If simply adding Libraries back to File Explorer is not enough for you, you can choose to remove SkyDrive from the Navigation Pane with a registry hack. (Click the image to enlarge.) Remove SkyDrive from File Explorer You can now access and use Libraries and SkyDrive. Now you can access and use Libraries and SkyDrive. When you click OK and return to File Explorer, you'll see that Libraries are back in the Navigation Pane ( Figure D). You can replace Libraries from the Folder Options dialog box. When you see the Folder Options dialog box, select the Show Libraries check box in the Navigation Pane section ( Figure C). To add Libraries back to the Navigation pane in File Explorer, go to the View tab, click the Options icon, and select the Change folders and search options command.

You can still access the standard folders via This PC. You can still get to your standard folders (Documents, Pictures, Videos, and Music) via the newly renamed This PC ( Figure B), but it's important to emphasize that these are just standard folders and not Libraries. SkyDrive has replaced Libraries in File Explorer. You'll also notice this in the Save As dialog boxes for the majority of your Windows applications. When you open File Explorer in Windows 8.1, you see that SkyDrive appears in the Navigation pane right where Libraries used to be ( Figure A). I'll describe two ways to move SkyDrive to the sideline and reinstate Libraries as the predominant location for accessing your documents and pictures. I suppose this is probably a great thing for all the folks who hated Libraries from day one, but what about those of us who have come to depend on the Libraries feature? Plus, a lot of Windows 8.1 users have been encountering difficulties with SkyDrive. If you sign in to Windows 8.1 with a Microsoft Account, you discovered that Windows 8.1 has moved Libraries to the sideline in favor of SkyDrive.